BELIEVIN’ FAN MEET: Darren Criss in concert at People Convention!
It has just been announced: in addition to going to the Believin’ Fan Meet : Darren Criss will also perform a concert! We let you know everything!

In our last article, we told you about the brand-new fan meet organized by People Convention: the Believin’ Fan Meet. It will take place on Saturday, November 11, 2023, and after a busy day of activities, Darren Criss, who stars in Glee, will give a concert!
It is possible to attend the concert with or without a pass for the fan meet. Good news for those who can’t make it on the day! However, you will need a concert ticket, which is available from the event’s ticketing for 45€!
Like the fan meet, Darren’s performance will take place at the Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle! You will find a link to the ticket office right here :

We do not know about you, but the SoundsOfSeries team, is very excited to meet our dear Blaine Anderson and to sing with him. We hope to see many of you at the Believin’ Fan Meet !
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