Which character from The Other Zoey are you ?

You watched The Other Zoey and now you wonder who you would be in the movie? Let us help you, take our quiz! (Don’t forget to share your results with us on Twitter!)

Which character from The Other Zoey are you ?

What's your astrological sign ?

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces

What's your favorite type of romance?

1. Ennemies to lovers
2. Forbidden Love
3. Friends to lovers
4. Soulmates
5. Fake relationship to lovers
6. An overnight relationship
7. I hate romance

What's your favourite subject?

1. Maths
2. History
3. Physics
4. Sport
5. Philosophy
6. Literature
7. Art

What's your vacation destination?

1. A romantic place to take your lover
2. Somewhere you can relax
3. The most unexpected place you can find
4. You want to go on an adventure
5. A place full of history
6. You don't go on vacation, you prefer to study

When you're bored, you

1. Go shopping
2. Go out with your friends
3. Listen to music
4. Go for a walk / do some sport
5. You study
6. You make art

Choose an element

1. Water
2. Fire
3. Earth
4. Air

How would you describe yourself?

1. Introvert
2. Sensitive
3. Stubborn
4. Loyal
5. Perfectionist
6. Courageous
7. Curious
8. Creative

Someone's hitting on your crush, what are you doing ?

1. You help them, you don't want to admit your crush
2. You give them your best death stare
3. You'd rather be alone anyway
4. You try with crush n°2...
5. You do nothing and wait until they're gone to approach them
6. You try to speak with them, hoping to draw his attention on you

Your favorite show ?

1. You
2. Outer Banks
3. Shadow and Bone
4. Mr Robot
5. Game of Thrones
6. Bridgerton
7. The Boys
8. The Summer I Turned Pretty

Which character would you like to be best friend with ?

1. Zoey
2. Miles
3. Zach
4. Elle

All 10 questions completed!

Which character from The Other Zoey are you ?

To read : Our review on The Other Zoey
