#SFM6: PeopleCon’s special edition!
After reuniting, for the very first time, three actors from the series ‘Stranger Things’ last month, People Convention is aiming even higher for this sixth edition. And we can tell you already: you don’t want to miss this one!

On Friday night, People Convention explained how this sixth fanmeet will be a special edition. First of all, the number of guests will be quite different! If we are used to receive 1 or 2 actors during the fanmeets, the organization promises to the fans not less than 10 guests for the event. Just imagine! We can really expect a lot for this edition. As far as the organization is concerned, you will be free to arrive whenever you want. Indeed, the panels are not included in all the passes. You’ll have to be careful: exclusive panels are only included in the premium passes: these are the panels of the silvers guests. It is therefore important to remember who is Silver, Gold or Platinum. The other panels will then be available for sale. It is important to note that for this event (AND ONLY FOR THIS EVENT) the passes are not nominative and tickets will be available on site if the fanmeet is not sold out.

As with the other conventions, there will be photo opportunities with fans and autographs, probably in several sessions. At this time, you will be able to offer your gifts, your letters to the actors. A moment that the actors appreciate very much. You can finish this magic moment with a selfie, an extra that fans appreciate because it is the right way to anchor this exchange in the memories. Finally, as mentioned above, you will be able to buy panels for the guests who are not silver guests. It is important to know that the General passes can get panels on the ticketing! Finally, fans will be able to attend on-stage activities between panels. It’s a great way to earn some extras and have fun at the same time! Friendly advise: watch the episodes again before you come, you could leave with some gifts…
We finally have the names of the three first guests ‘Stranger Fanmeet 6 : Special edition’. First we will meet Raphael Luce again, a favorite from the previous edition. Raphael interprets Henry Creel. He will be alongside with Grace Van Dien aka Chrissy in the series and Cara Buono aka Karen Wheeler. They all are silver guests, which means that their panels will be exclusive to the Prime passes. The different extras are available on the ticketing which you can find right here.

The organization will announce more actors soon. Any ideas?
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