The Rivercon comes back strong !

After two complicated for the conventions world, everything is coming back to place little by little, and Riverdale is always ready to settle in the French capital ! PeopleCon is going to make more than one fan happy…

Long before the health crisis, the RiverCon had been announced to the happiness of the series’ fans, and even if their patience was tested, they are rewarded! Two guests have already reconfirmed their presence among us, they are fans of the Parisian convention:
- Marisol Nichols aka our very dear Hermione Lodge

- Lochlyn Munro aka the well known Hal Cooper

Two big families of Riverdale already have a member, and not just any planned for Paris, and to accompany them, a new one makes his arrival :
- Drew Ray Tanner aka Fangs from our favorite gang

We hope that you will be present at the convention ? PeopleCon can not wait to bring a bit of Riverdale in France, and us neither.
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