Squid game, a must-see series!
Squid game is the TV show of the moment! Currently top 1 trend on Netflix, you have probably heard its name at least once. Our opinion is unanimous, we loved it! If you have not seen it yet, let us convince you!

But…what is it about again?
Good question, the story takes place in South Korea with Seong Gi-Hun, a compulsive gambler who lives alone with his mother and has trouble making ends meet. While everything seems to be going against him, one night in the subway, a man in a suit offers him to win money by playing a game, he accepts of course and wins the money. After that, the man gives him a small card with a number on it and tells him that he could “win even more money” if he played another game. Then the stranger suddenly disappears. The protagonist, after much thought, decides to call and participate.
To make it simple, 456 people are chosen to play 6 games over a period of 6 days with 45.6 billion won at stake. However, there is a rule, when a player loses in a game, he is killed without delay…which gives a dimension both horrific and stressful to the series.

Endearing characters
The characters are very charismatic and extremely endearing, which is surely what caused the big success of squid game around the world. Indeed, each participant has a story and a reason to want to win. The only problem is that at the end, only one will remain! Thus, alliances are formed, betrayals take place and (very) unexpected reversals come to sublimate the series. Also, the charm of the series lies in the multiple subplots and parallel scenarios that feed a lot of interesting and credible theories (by the way, an article on all the available theories will be published very soon)

What do we think about it?
Go see “Squid game” without thinking, it’s a gem from beginning to end, maybe the hype around it has disgusted you a bit, but trust us, the plot is excellent, the subplots even more, the characters are very touching and the end is incredible
So what are you waiting for? Go for it!
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